About Us

Let's face it.  Cairo isn't online.  There are a few websites to help us with a few places in a few neighborhoods.
We offer a unique perspective - local and foreign.  More specifically, Egyptian and American.  Whichever reviews you relate to most, we hope to give you a better idea of what's going on in Cairo, and if it's worth spending your hard earned money.

Who are we?

The Egyptian - coming soon, ISA

The American - Becky is an American woman in her mid-30's.  She enjoys good quality food with a nice glass of wine (full bodied reds are her favorite), fun outings where she can learn something new, and exercise.  She also has high standards when it comes to getting a job done.  She will typically pay to have a service performed only if it's something she can't do herself.  She expects services to be performed with pride in doing a good job.  Becky is adjusting to life in Cairo by lessening expectations so she may be pleasantly surprised when something goes right, rather than feeling constantly irritated when things go wrong.

Becky enjoys living and working in Egypt, and considers it her home.